Publishing Metrics

Metrics are published by receiving them over the channel and calling the publisher’s publish() method. This functionality is handled entirely by the Agent. All you need to do is configure it and call start() from a dedicated process. This section describes the Agent in more detail as well as the different publishers that are available to you.


The agent is a program that runs in a dedicated process. It reads metrics from the configured channel and publishes them into the configured backing store, completely independent of the application(s) that is/are sending metrics over the channel.

The agent basically manages a Receiver and a Nanny. The receiver manages a list of ReceiverThreads which poll the channel for any metrics that need to be published. The nanny periodically queries the the channel for any metrics that are in the process of being published, and attempts to publish any that have been in that state for a long time (over a certain threshold of seconds) using NannyThreads.

This allows the agent to be robust to publishing failures, and be scaled indepedently from your application (by increasing the number of receiver and nanny threads as appropriate, depending on how often your application publishes metrics).

One important implication from this design is that publishers should be idempotent, meaning publishing the exact same metrics multiple times should not impact your underlying database. For example, InfluxDB will not create a new measurement if you publish metrics with the same timestamp, dimensions, names, metadata, and values. This means that you will not end up with duplicated metrics from the agent retrying to publish the same metrics multiple times.


The DebugPublisher simply takes a logger name, and will log metrics (as serialized JSON) to the logger at the INFO level. This is useful for ensuring that your metrics are being properly calculated and reported by your application during development, before you use a publisher that goes to a database.


The InfluxDBPublisher sends metrics to InfluxDB, a powerful open-source time series database. Each counter and timer will result in a seperate measurement which has the name of the counter or timer.

For each measurement:

  • Dimensions will become tags (which are indexed, making queries for specific dimension values extremely fast)
  • Counters will have a single field called value with the counter value
  • Timers will have two fields: value which contains the timer value (as the timedelta seconds multiplied by the unit’s seconds offset) and unit which is the name of the unit.
  • Metadata will become additional fields (each key becomes a field’s name, and each value becomes the field’s value).

The configuration values for this publisher are:

  • host: The host of the InfluxDB server. (Defaults to localhost)
  • port: The port of the InfluxDB server. (Defaults to 8086)
  • database: The name of the InfluxDB database to use. Make sure you create this database on the server before you start sending metrics to it! (Defaults to kadabra)
  • timeout: The timeout in seconds to wait for the InfluxDB server to respond before failing to publish. (Defaults to 5)

You can overwrite any or none of these values in the AGENT_PUBLISHER_ARGS configuration key. For more information on how to configure the Agent see Configuration.

For a guide to use Kadabra with InfluxDB see Using with InfluxDB.